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Flowers of the Altai Page Four - 2009

Russian Federation

Altai Antonymous Region

Flower Photos Four


June 29 to July 26th 2009

The trip organized by Biosphere-Expeditions had a primary aim to find evidence of the presence of the Snow Leopard in the region.

The following are the lists of plants with photos.

To view photographs of the Altai page five click HERE.






Page four

Wild Flowers found during the visit.


It was difficult to identify the species as most of the  reference books are written in Russian.  With the aid of the internet, the recently published Endemic Plants of the Altai Mountain Country by Pyak et al. and the reports of previous Biosphere expeditions I have tried to put names to the following photos or to be more precise photos beside previously named plants.

I have used the Appendix 6 from the Biosphere Expedition Report for 2008 compiled by Christine Newell as a base and added some of my photos to the list.  I have done my best to identify the plants correctly but would be happy to be corrected by any experts in the field.

Appendix 6: Plant list 2003

– 2008 collated by expedition team member Christine Newell.


Goniolimon speciosum           (Statice)



Chamerion angustifolium rosebay willowherb

Chamerion latifolium



Orobanche caesia Broomrape


Coeloglossum viride Frog Orchid

Dactylorhiza Sp



Papaver pseudocanescens      (Poppy)



Parnassia palustris Grass of Parnassus


Agropyrum cristatum Couch grass

Alopecurus pratensis Foxtail

Festuca altaica Fescue

Festuca kryloviana ? Fescue

Festuca tristis Fescue

Helictotrichon hookeri Oat-grass

Poa alpina Alpine meadowgrass

Ptilagrostis mongholica

Roegneria schrenkiana


Polemonium coeruleum Jacob's ladder

Possibly Rumex Sp



Polygala hybrida Milkwort

Polygala tenuifolia Milkwort


Oxyria digyna        (Mountain sorrel)


Polygonum alpinum Knotgrass

Polygonum bistorta or nitans?       (Knotgrass)


Polygonum viviparum Knotgrass

Rheum altaicum          (Wild rhubarb)


Cystopteris Dickieana Bladder-fern

Cystopteris fragilis Bladder-fern

Woodsia ilvensis Oblong woodsia


Claytonia joanneana Purslane


Potamogeton praelongus Pondweed


Androsace Fedtschenkoi?

Androsace septentrionalis

Glaux maritima Sea-milkwort

Primula algida     (Primula)


Primula nivalis Primula

Primula nutans Primula


Pyrola incarnata Wintergreen


Aconitum altaicum Monk's-hood

Aconitum anthora Monk's-hood

Aconitum barbatum     (Wolf's-bane)


Aconitum septentrionale Monk's-hood

Aconitum volubile      (Monk's-hood)


Anemone sylvestris      (Anemone)


Aquilegia sibirica      (Columbine)



Atragene sibirica         (Clematis-like)


Batrachium mongolicum Water crowfoot

Batrachium trichophyllum     (Water crowfoot)


Delphinium inconspicuum    (Confused Mountain Larkspur)


Delphinium mirabile


Halerpestes ruthenica

Halerpestes salsuginosa

Hegemone lilacina


Leptopyrum fumarioides

Oxygraphis glacialis

Paraquilegia microphylla

Pulsatilla ambigua     (Pasque flower)


Pulsatilla campanella       (Pasque flower)


Ranunculus altaicus Buttercup

Ranunculus lasiocarpus Hairy-fruited Buttercup

Ranunculus pedatus Buttercup

Ranunculus pseudohirculus Buttercup

Ranunculus pulchellus Buttercup

Ranunculus radicans Buttercup

Possibly other Ranunculus

Thalictrum foetidum Meadow-rue

Thalictrum alpinum Meadow-rue

Thalictrum minus Meadow-rue

Possibly other Thalictrum Sp


Trollius altaicus      (Globe flower)