September 2011 Wildlife photographs may be seen here or for general trip photographs please continue reading. This journey was to the south of Ethiopia. The visit concentrated on the tribes around the Omo National Park. The most memorable part of the trip was the amount of rain we had and the effect this had on the trip. The trip members were fortunately able to accept this 'little' problem and we came to accept getting stuck in the mud as all in a days march. One day we managed to move camp about 200m within the park as the vehicles repeatedly became stuck. And this was a holiday I hear you say!
Here are a collection of photos taken on the trip. Mostly of wildlife I must say as I love to photograph the birds and animals on my trip.
The visit was arranged by Wild Frontiers and thanks must go to Mette and her team of supporters for which for me was a great adventure into a developing part of the world. ---###--- If you click on a photograph you
should be transferred to the Flikr website for my photos.
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Sept 2nd - Around Addis Abada
Our tour around Addis Ababa involved a visit to the Ethnographic Museum.
Sept 3rd - Addis Ababa to Jimma
Sept 4th - Jimma to Mizan Tafari
An early visit to King Jaffa's Castle and then a drive to Mizan Tafari.
Sept 5th - Mizan Tafari to Kibbish
Sept 6th - In Kibbish
Sept 7th - In Kibbish
Sept 8th - To the Omo National Park
Sept 9th - Stuck in the National Park
Sept 10th - Reaching the Omo River (some of us!)
Sept 11th - Moving gear across the river
Not much time for photos as this was the day we walked a long way!!!!!!!!
Sept 12th - On the River Omo
Sept 13th - On the River Omo
Sept 14th - Another day on the river
Sept 15th - Turmi to Arba Minch
Sept 16th - In Arba Minch
Sept 17th - Arba Minch to Addis Ababa
Click HERE for Wildlife photographs of Southern Ethiopia