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Flora of the Greek Islands - 2011


Flowers of the Greek Islands


These photographs were taken in the Greek Islands with each identified by Latin name and where known a common name together with the name of the island.


The numbers mentioned are those used in Flowers of Greece and the Balkans and Flowers of Europe both by Oleg Polunin



Greece2011-6432 Greece2011-6462




Flowers of the Greek Islands


11         Cupressus sempervirens      Funeral Cypress

Greece2011-2621   Greece2011-6300  Amorgos

47         Quercus coccifera                 Kermes Oak

Greece2011-6354  Greece2011-6355

149        Paronychia argentea

Greece2011-6127  Despotiko

165+     Silene.... Possibly

Greece2011-6239  Greece2011-6240  Greece2011-6259  Greece2011-6261  Amorgos

169+     Silene ...  (Possibly)

Greece2011-6143  Greece2011-6144  Despotiko

174        Silene colorata      Pink Pirouette

Greece2011-6130  Despotiko  Greece2011-6346  Amorgos

Silene colorata    (Possibly) Or  Silene dioica ?

Greece2011-6395  Greece2011-6344  Amorgos

203        Nigella arvensis  Ssp aristata Love in a Mist

Greece2011-6373  Greece2011-6375  Amorgos

203        Nigella satva                       Love in a Mist

Greece2011-6384  Greece2011-6383  Amorgos

212         Delphinium staphisagria     Licebane

Greece2011-6305  Greece2011-6306  Greece2011-6304  Amorgos

265         Papaver rhoeas       Corn Poppy

Greece2011-6368  Greece2011-6224  Greece2011-6393  Amorgos

272         Glaucium flavum     Yellow Horned-poppy

Greece2011-6217  Amorgos

298         Malcolmia chia OR Malcolmia flexuosa   Virginia Stock

Greece2011-6126 Despotiko  Greece2011-6574  Amorgos

380          Umbilicus rupestris      Wall Pennywort

Greece2011-6353  Greece2011-6382  Amorgos

388+      Sedum .........         Stonecrop

Greece2011-6493   Amorgos

391              Sedum album          White Stonecrop

Greece2011-6133  Greece2011-6146  Despotiko

440             Sarcopoterium spinosum      Thorny Burnet

Greece2011-6118  Iraklia  Greece2011-6331  Greece2011-6456  Amorgos

498              Calicotome villosa     Spiny Broom

Greece2011-6071  Iraklia  Greece2011-6471-2  Amorgos

515              Spartium junceum         Spanish Broom

Greece2011-6286  Greece2011-6509  Greece2011-6510  Amorgos

521              Lupinus albus     Lupin

Greece2011-6291  Amorgos

561              Lathyrus articulatus

Greece2011-6301  Amorgos

567              Ononis pubescens      Yellow Restharrow

Greece2011-6191-2  Greece2011-6192-2  Milos 

Greece2011-6115  Iraklia  Greece2011-6322  Amorgos

602            Trifolium stellatum     Star Clover

Greece2011-6112  Greece2011-6113  Iraklia

617            Tetragonolobus purpureus     Asparagus Pea

Greece2011-6357  Amorgos

622              Anthyllis vulneraria Ssp praepropera   Kidney Vetch

Greece2011-2623-2   Paros  Greece2011-6341   Amorgos

627    Coronilla varia            Crown Vetch

Greece2011-6396  Greece2011-6525  Amorgos

628    Coronilla scorpiodes    Annual Scorpion Vetch

Greece2011-6294  Amorgos

639        Oxalis pes-caprae

Greece2011-6160  Despotik


643        Geranium tuberosum      Cranesbill

Greece2011-6434  Greece2011-6435  Greece2011-6436  Greece2011-6526  Amorgos

664        Linum catharticum       Purging Flax

Greece2011-6336  Greece2011-6337  Amorgos

669        Euphorbia dendroides       Tree Spurge

Greece2011-6290  Greece2011-6216 

687          Ruta graveolens     Common Rue

Greece2011-6531  Greece2011-6533  Amorgos


703         Pistacia lentiscus      Mastic Tree

Greece2011-6081  Iraklia  Greece2011-6568  Amorgos

763        Hypericum empetrifolium

Greece2011-6106  Greece2011-6108  Amorgos

787        Cistus incanus         Cistus

Greece2011-6077  Greece2011-6078  Despotico  Greece2011-6211  Amorgos

790           Cistus salvifolius         Sage-leaved Cistus

Greece2011-6201  Greece2011-6202  Milos

802    Helianthemum nummulaium    Common Rockrose

Greece2011-6212  Greece2011-6214  Amorgos

815              Bryonia dioica formerly B. cretica          Red Bryony

Greece2011-6312 Greece2011-6313   Amorgos                   

818       Opuuntia ficus-india          Prickly Pear

Greece2011-6580  Greece2011-6581  Greece2011-6583  Amorgos

875       Foeniculum vulgare      Fennel


897       Ferula communis         Giant Fennel

Greece2011-6292  Greece2011-6293  Greece2011-6522

910                Daucus carota    Wild Carrot

Greece2011-6495  Amorgos

967              Anagallis arvensis    Scarlet Pimpernel

Greece2011-6476  Amorgos

967              Anagallis foemina    Blue Pimpernel

Greece2011-6279   Amorgos

986                Centaurium erythraea    Common Centaury

Greece2011-6405  Greece2011-6464  Amorgos

988                Blackstonia perfoliata    Yellow Wort

Greece2011-6462  Greece2011-6302-2   Amorgos

1039             Convolvulus althaeoides       Mallow-leaved Bindweed

Greece2011-2632  Iraklia  Greece2011-6233  Amorgos

1059              Anchusa arvensis

Greece2011-2616  Greece2011-2617  Greece2011-2620  Paros

1083              Echium planagineum        Purple Vipers Bugloss

Greece2011-6193  Milos  Greece2011-6515  Amorgos

1106              Prasium majus

Greece2011-6410  Greece2011-6410-2  Amorgos

1111             Lavendula stoechas

Greece2011-6189  Greece2011-6188  Milos

1124              Phlomis fruticosa        Jerusalem Sage

Greece2011-6372  Greece2011-6230  Amorgos

1140              Stachys cretica

Greece2011-6116  Iraklia Greece2011-6228  Greece2011-6408  Greece2011-6409 Amorgos

1143              Salvia fruticosa       Greek Sage

Greece2011-6218  Amorgos

1162              Thymus capitatus or Coridothymus c.

Greece2011-2647  Iraklia  Greece2011-6474  Greece2011-6475  Amorgos

1191               Verbascum sinuatum

Greece2011-6318  Greece2011-6317  Amorgos

1210              Cymbalaria muralis    Ivy-leaved Toadflax

Greece2011-6458  Greece2011-6460  Greece2011-6459  Amorgos

1234              Ballota  acetabulosa

Greece2011-6080  Greece2011-6598  Greece2011-6599   Amorgos

1237              Bellardia trixago

Greece2011-6339   Amorgos

1267   Acanthus spinosus    Spiny Bear's Breech

Greece2011-2615  Paros  Greece2011-6297  Greece2011-6314  Amorgos

1305     Lonicera etrusca  Honeysuckle

Greece2011-2618  Greece2011-2619  Paros  Greece2011-6512  Amorgos

1316    Centranthus ruber     Valerian

Greece2011-6227  Greece2011-6350 Greece2011-6226 Greece2011-6110  Greece2011-6111  Amorgos

1347    Legousia speculum-veneris

Greece2011-6370  Greece2011-6387  Greece2011-6365  Greece2011-6390  Greece2011-6417  Amorgos

1385   Helichrysum stoechas

Greece2011-6287  Amorgos

1385   Helichrysum italicum 

Greece2011-6223  Greece2011-6482  Greece2011-6482-2  Amorgos  Greece2011-2613  Paros 

1393       Pulicaria dysenterica                Fleabane

Greece2011-6105  Iraklia

1424     Chrysanthemum segetum          Corn Marigold

Greece2011-6149  Greece2011-6163  Greece2011-6165  Despotiko

1425     Chrysanthemum coronarium      Crown Daisy

Greece2011-6148  Despotiko  Greece2011-6219  Amorgos

1427    Leucanthemum vulgare                Ox-eye Daisy

Greece2011-6150  Despotiko

1431     Chamomilla recutita  (Possibly)    Wild Chamomile

Greece2011-6377  Amorgos

1440    Petasites hybridus        Butterbur

Greece2011-6400  Greece2011-6402  Amorgos

1478    Carduus nutans         Musk Thistle

Greece2011-2624  Greece2011-2624  Amorgos

1481         Notobasis syriaca     Syrian Thistle

Greece2011-6376  Amorgos

1491+     Cynara ...  or  Silybum ...

Greece2011-6030 Naxos  Greece2011-6151  Despotiko  Greece2011-6296  Amorgos

1500     Centaurea ruphanina

Greece2011-6247  Greece2011-6247-2  Greece2011-6388  Amorgos

1510    Scolymus maculatus   

Greece2011-6046  Paros  Greece2011-6222  Amorgos

1512   Cichorium spinosum     Chicory

Greece2011-6356  Amorgos

1515     Tolpis barbata

Greece2011-6232  Amorgos

1516     Hyoseris scabra

Greece2011-6454  Amorgos

1604   Allium sphaerocephalon  Ssp arvense  Round-headed Leek

  Greece2011-6321  Greece2011-6518  Greece2011-6520-2  Amorgos

1609   Allium neapolitanum

Greece2011-6392  Greece2011-6385   Amorgos

1639      Ornithogalum umbellatum        Star of Bethlehem

Greece2011-6117  Greece2011-6120  Iraklia

1641      Ornithogalum narbonense        

Greece2011-6407-3  Greece2011-6406  Amorgos

1819      Dracunculus vulgaris

Greece2011-6429  Greece2011-6431  Greece2011-6432  Amorgos

1886    Orchis sancta      Holy Orchid

Greece2011-6367  Greece2011-6258  Greece2011-6492  Greece2011-6491  Amorgos

1908   Anacampsis pyramidalis    Pyramidal Orchid

Greece2011-6363  Greece2011-6362   Amorgos



Xanthoria parietina

Greece2011-6503  Greece2011-6502  Amorgos


Adiantum capillus-veneris        Maidenhair Fern

Greece2011-6507-2  Greece2011-6507  Amorgos