Isles of Scilly July 6th to 13th 2012
I spent this week walking and exploring three of the islands. My main interest was photographing the wildlife. Staying on the smallest of the inhabited islands, Bryher. I used this as a base to walk round the islands of Bryher, St Agnes and St Martin's. The main islands of St Mary's and Tresco were left for another visit. Here is a collection of some of the photos that I took of the wildlife seen. To see some of the general photographs I took go to VIEWS OF THE SCILLY ISLES
Wildlife of the Isles of Scilly.
Photographs of Birds seen.
Fulmar Fulmarus glacialis
Gannet Sula bassana
Cormorant Phalacrocorax carpo
Shag Phalacrocorax aristotelis
Peregrine Falco peregrinus
Great Black-backed Gull Larus marinus
Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus
Herring Gull Larus argentatus
Razorbill Alca torda
Guillemot Uria aalge
Puffin Fratercula arctica
Wren Troglodytes troglodytes
Blackbird Turdus merula
Song Thrush Turdus philomelos
House Sparrow Passer domesticus
Photographs of Animals seen.
Atlantic Seal Halichorus grypus
Photographs of Plants seen.
Aeonium cuneatum
Bell Heather Erica cinerea
Bittersweet or Woody Nightshade Solanum dulcamara
Bramble Rubus 'fruticosus'
Buck's-horn Plantain Plantago coronopus
Cat's-ear Hypochaeris radicata
Common Bird's-foot-trefoil Lotus corniculaus
Common Scurveygrass Cochlearia officnalis
Common Toadflax Linaria vulgaris
Common vetch Vicia sativa
Corn Marigold Chrysanthemum segetum
Cow Parsley Anthriscus sylvestris
Curled Dock Rumex crispus
Devil's-bit Scabious Succisa pratensis
English Stonecrop Sedum angelicum
Eyebright Euphrasia tetraquetra
Foxglove Digitalis purpurea
Frosted Orache Atriplex laciniata
Hairy Tare Vicia hirsuta
Hare's-foot Clover Trifolium arvense
Hebe Scropbulariaceae Sp.
Hedge Bindweed Calystegia sepium
Honeysuckle Lonicera pericclymemum
Hottentot-fig Carpobrotus edulis
Ladies Bedstraw Galium verum
Lesser Centaury Centaurium pulchellum
Lesser Sea-spurrey Spergularia marina
Ling Calluna vulgaris
Lousewort Pedicularis sylvatica
NZ Flax Phormium enax
Pennywort Umbilicus rupestris
Pink-sorrel Oxalis articulata
Red Campion Silene dioica
Red Clover Trifolium pratense
Rock Sandfire Crithmum maritimum
Round-leaved mint Mentha suaveolens
Scarlet Pimpernel Anagallis arvensis
Sea Beet Beta vulgaris
Sea Bindweed Calystegia soldanella
Sea holly Eryngium maritimum
Sea Mayweed Tripleurospermum maritimum
Sea Rocket Cakile maritima
Sea Spleenwort Asplenium marinum
Sea Spurge Euphorbia paralias
Smooth Sow-thistle Sonchus oleraceus
Spear Thistle Cirsium vulgare
Tamarisk Tamarix gallica
Thrift Armeria maritima
Thyme-leaved Sandwort Arenaria serpyllifolia
Tormentil Potentilla erecta
Tree-mallow Lavatera arborea
Tufted Vetch Vicia cracca
Western Clover Trifolium occidentale
Western Gorse Ulex gallii
Western Raming-fumitory Fumaria accidentalis
Wild Madder Rubia peregrina
Wild Privet Ligustrum vulgare
Wild Thyme Thymmus polytrichus
Wood Sage Teucrium scorodonia
Yarrow Achillea millefolium
Yellow Horned-poppy Glaucium flavum