
December 5th to December 16th 2023

This trip was organised by Wildlife Worldwide. The trip involved flying between four Reserves. The first location was Mowanni Mountain Camp in Damaraland, where the prime species was Desert Elephants. Flying to Ongava Reserve on the border with Etosha Reserve the objective was Black and White Rhino. A further short flight brought me to Onguma Tented Camp in Etosha. The final destination was Okinjima Private Reserve where I had excellent sightings of Leopard.

These pages give an idea of what I saw during the trip but for a more detailed view of the wildlife please link here.



































Ongava Reserve





































Onguma Reserve

































Okinjima Reserve






























































This page shows general photographs of the trip. Wildlife photos may be found using the following link.

Wildlife of Namibia 2023.