March 5th to 12th 2016

My trip was organized by Macs Adventure. The main interest for this trip was to walk on the island of El Hierro, the smallest and most westerly island in The Canaries.

The weather could have been a lot better. The sun was shining out at sea most of the week but a thick low cloud sat over the whole island nearly all of the week. I found myself walking in the clouds and rain for two days. The teraine was at times very steep and with the rain the walking was difficult.

I have produced only one page for this trip to show photographs of each walking day without the usual additional wildlife page.

Parador Las Playas

Wild Tomatoes


Convolvulus sp.

Aeonium gomerense

Papaver Sp.

Aeonium Sp.

Galactites tomentosa

Echium Sp.

Mirador de la Pena

Asphodelus aestivus

Asphodelus aestivus

Galactites tomentosa

Echium Sp.

Sinapis Sp.

Reseda alba


Aeonium Sp.


Las Plantas

Aeonium Sp.

Limonium macropterum

Punta de la Dehese

El Sabinar to Pozo de la Salud

Tuberaria guttata

Echium Sp.

Silene Sp.


Juniperus canariensis

Cistus monspeliensis


Aeonium Sp.

Galium Sp.


