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The Arctic - 2009


Flower Photographs Page Two

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To view the second half of the photos of Flowers of the Arctic return to the Arctic Home Page and select one of the other three pages of flowers.

Mountain Crowberry Empetrum nigrum


Dwarf Willowherb Epilobium latifolium

Arctic Cotton Grass Eriophorum scheuchzeri

Common Cotton Grass Eriophorum angustfolium

Arctic Eyebright Euphrasia frigida


Nodding Campion Melendrium apetalum

Mountain Sorrel Oxyria arvenses


Alpine Bistort Polgonum viviparum

Pink Plumes Polgonum bistorta

Alpine Cinquefoil Potentilla crantzii


Arctic Cinquefoil Potentilla hyparctica


Large-flowered Wintergreen Pyrola grandiflora


Snow Buttercup Ranunculus nivalis