Wildlife trip to the French Alps July 29th to 5th August 2017.
My trip was organized by Country Walks holidays. The main interest for this trip was to walk in this region of France and record the wildlife seen.
The weather was warm with some rain. I have endeavoured to identify the plants from the photographs with a varying degree of success. Some local species were especially difficult as several had more than one scientific or English name.
This page shows the wildlife photographs of the trip. For GENERAL PHOTOS of the trip please link to French Alps 2017.
Common Monkshood
Aconitum napellus
Common Monkshood
Aconitum napellus
Adenostyles alliariae
Adenostyles alliariae
Alpine Lady's Mantle
Alchemilla alpina
Maidenhair Spleenwort
Asplenium trichomanes
Tyrolean Milk-vetch
Astragalus ieontinus
Mountain Sanicle
Astrantia major
Oxeye Daisy
Leucanthemum vulgare
Oxeye Daisy
Leucanthemum vulgare
Yellow Ox-eye
Buphthalmum salicifolium
Yellow Ox-eye
Buphthalmum salicifolium
Large-flowered Bellflower
Campanula alpestris
Bearded Bellflower
Campanula alpina
Campanula rotundifolia agg.
Mountain Cornflower
Centaurea montana
Spiniest Thistle
Cirsium spinosissimum
Coronilla vaginalis
Small Scorpion Vetch
Common Spotted-orchid
Dactylorhiza fuchsii
Meadow Cranesbill
Geranium pratense
Short-leaved Gentian
Gentiana brachyphilla
Short-leaved Gentian
Gentiana brachyphilla
Slender Gentian
Gentianella tenella
Slender Gentian
Gentianella tenella
Slender Gentian
Gentianella tenella
Slender Gentian
Gentianella tenella
Great Yellow Gentian
Gentiana lutea
Great Yellow Gentian
Gentiana lutea
Wood Crane's-bill
Geranium sylvaticum
Small White Orchid (possibly)
Gymnadenia albida
Mountain St. John's Wort
Hypericum montanum
Alpine St.John's Wort
Hypericum richeri burseri
Wood Scabious
Knautia dipsacifolia
Birdsfoot Trefoil
Lotus corniulatus
Alpine Toadflax
Linaria alpina
Alpine Toadflax
Linaria alpina
Common Twayblade
Listera ovata
Common Twayblade
Listera ovata
Common Twayblade
Listera ovata
Horse Mint
Mentha longifolia
Mountain Sainfoin
Onbrychis arenaria
Mountain Sainfoin
Onbrychis arenaria
Early-purple Orchid
Orchis mascula
Early-purple Orchid
Orchis mascula
Star-of-Bethlehem (probably)
Ornithogalum umbellatum
Pedicularis asparagoides
Large Self-heal
Prunella grandiflora
Rhododendron ferrugineum
Sanicle (probably)
Sanicula europeas
Bladder Campion
Silene vulgaris
Yellow Mountain Saxifrage
Saxifraga aizoides
Yellow Mountain Saxifrage
Saxifraga aizoides
Golden Rod
Lesser Stichwort
Stellaria graminea
Red Clover
Trifolium praetense
Brown Clover
Trifolium badium
Vaccinium myrtillus
Scotch Argus
Erebia aethiops
Click HERE for Photographs of the trip.